Project Partners
Project Lead: East Iceland Knowledge Network (TEIKN), Iceland:
TEIKN role is to support lifelong learning, university distance education and research in East Iceland. TEIKN runs 7 distance education facilities and cooperates with knowledge and research centres in Höfn, Neskaupsstað and Egilstödum in developing and supporting research and teaching at university level. TEIKN is working on developing the Icelandic Net University on behalf of the ministry of education and Kvasir – Network of education centres around Iceland and in cooperation with all universities in Iceland.

TEIKN is coordinating the project and work in close cooperation with experts from their partner institutions in Iceland, both universities and educational centres.

Hogskolani Jonkoping - Jonkoping University, Sweden

Högskolan i Jönköping (HJ), represents both itself and NSHU (Swedish Agency for Networks and Cooperation in Higher Education) as Mr. Hultman is the chairman for the council of regional cooperation in the field of higher education.
The Jönköping region has around 300 000 inhabitants and has developed, during more than 10 years, education centres in every of the 13 municipalities. HJ distributes courses by video-conference technique as well as pure e-learning and does support a mix of methods and methodologies - so called blended learning with support of the education centres. Then HJ We have run courses for the personnel at the learning centres - educational centres - and have researchers in distance learning in our team as well as more practical orientated people.

Role: HJ will be responsible for WP 3 and 5, that is WP3 Transfer of innovation and WP5 Valorisation as well as participating in other work packages. Its main responsibility will be to define and transfer their best practices concerning necessary support system to distance university education and to prepare for the consortium, and for wider use after the project, handbook of quality assurance for Net-universities to ensure a successful implementation of a Net-university in Iceland.
University of Highlands and Islands (UHI), Millennium Institute - Inverness, Scotland, United Kingdom

Description: UHI provides access to university-level education through a distinctive educational partnership of colleges and research institutions (the UHI academic partners). Each academic partner has its own character and contributes to the distinctive organisation that is UHI Millennium Institute. Some are relatively large colleges in the urban centres of the region such as Perth, Elgin and Inverness. Others are smaller institutions, including some whose primary focus is on research. All, however, have a student-centred culture and an individual approach to student learning. In April 2001, the Scottish Executive granted UHI Millennium Institute (UHI) status of Higher Education Institution, providing university level courses throughout the Highlands and Islands of Scotland.

Role: UHI role in the Net-university project will be to define and transfer best practices related to distance education and organization of their Network of academic partners in rural areas. UHI will lead work package on "Pilot actions" where the objective is to develop joint courses and diploma/degree between partners.
SmartLabrador Inc.- Forteau, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Description: SmartLabrador Inc. is an incorporated, not-for-profit organization that reflects a cooperative development strategy of the five economic development corporations of Labrador. It was founded in 1997 to ensure effective utilization of information technologies (IT) in business, human resources and community economic development in Labrador. SmartLabrador Inc. offers consulting services provincially, nationally and internationally regarding the use of technology and community partnership models by rural communities for economic and social development. It has been instrumental in developing services and training initiatives throughout Labrador to encourage adoption and innovation in the use of ICTs and has significant experience in developing and managing networks including terrestrial and satellite connections and developing capacity and capability in rural and remote communities to utilize ICT access such as the Internet, videoconferencing services, and online applications for community development.

Role: Sub-contractor to provide information on distance education developments and opportunities, as well as coordination on potential collaborative projects with educational and/or industry partners in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. To assist with the dissemination of project information.

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